Hebrews 11| Faith Seeking Understanding

AnselmFides quarens intellectum”

The quote comes from a man named Anselm of Canterbury, an Italian Scholastic philosopher , theologian, and clergyman who held the office of Archbishop of Canterbury from 1093 to 1109. Often called the founder of scholasticism, and as the archbishop who openly opposed the Crusades. Greatly influenced by Augustine, Anselm sought ‘necessary reasons’ for religious beliefs, notably the famous ontological argument for the existence of God.

I believe that Anselm gives us an interesting perspective on the way we intuit the reality of God.

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Isiah 6:1-8| Saved to serve

Isiah 6Another Glimpse of Heaven

As we would see in the prophet Isiah’s vision which again gives us a glimpse of Heaven and the worship given by the heavenly beings to the Lord who is seated on the throne.

God revealed Himself to the prophet in a vision that prompted him of his personal sinfulness, and revealed to him the truth that by ourselves we are totally unworthy of God and His fellowship if not for Christ.

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